Welcome to Peacocks!
I am really looking forward to working with your children this year and getting to know you better.
Some general class information:
Our PE days are on Tuesday and Wednesday. Please make sure your child has their PE kits in school on these days and that earrings are removed.
Children will bring home phonic reading books or sentences to read with you every Friday. This is the book they have been reading in school during their phonic lessons. They should be very familiar with this book and so can work on fluency and expression at home.
They will also bring home a 'Reading for Pleasure' book. This is a book for you to read and share with your child. There is more information about Reading for Pleasure below.
Every Friday from 8.40 - 9.00am you are invited to come into the class and read with your child. It is lovely when lots of you attend and the children really enjoy it!
Although we work hard in Year 1, we also have lots of fun as I strongly believe that learning should be engaging and enjoyable. This will inspire children to become life long learners.
Our class motto is 'Learning and Laughing Together'