At Larkrise we want every child to develop their scientific knowledge and conceptual understanding in the specific disciplines of biology, chemistry and physics. We equip children with an understanding of the nature, processes and methods of science through different types of science enquiries that help them to answer specific questions about the world around them. Importantly, we give each child a ‘toolkit’ of the scientific knowledge required to understand the use and implications of science today and for the future.
Our Approach to Science at Larkrise
Children engage in deliberate practice to master knowledge and skills of Science
Through the Science curriculum, all children are provided with the opportunity to gain the scientific knowledge and skills they need to discover, understand and begin to explain the world and phenomena around them. Knowledge builds sequentially in biology, chemistry and physics, with opportunities to revisit ideas and concepts throughout and across units.
Every child explores enriching experiences linked to Science
Children are supported to gain knowledge of scientific concepts to enable them to work scientifically and engage in practical work purposefully. Scientific enquiry is incorporated across the units that children study in Science at Larkrise so that children constantly encounter enriching scientific opportunities that invite them to engage with: observing over time, pattern seeking, identifying, classifying and grouping, comparative and fair tests and research using secondary sources.
We inspire joy through learning and reading about Science
A keen interest in Science is developed by enabling all children to understand how science works in their own lives and the lives of others, in weekly lessons. At Larkrise we believe that a firm understanding of science will support children in developing positive attitudes towards the subject that may mean they are motivated to study science further at a later point in their lives. We show children that science matters in the world and ensure every child rightly has the opportunity to be scientifically literate.